Nothing is as wonderful as knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have given up everything else and count it all as garbage. All I want is Christ. Philippians 3:18
I often hear the words you must lose to gain. When I look at my situation right now, it seems like I have lost a lot. I have lost friends that I have trusted, I have lost comfort and security, and I have even come close to losing all things that were familiar to me. So, when I look back what have I gained? Do hurt and pain count as a gain? God has been the one constant in my life. In the midst of my tears, I have found a comforter. Each day I feel like I have gained a stronger and better relationship with our Lord.
It seems like I have lost so much, but that is not what Paul is telling us in the scripture. Paul reminds us that no matter what we have accomplished we should consider it as nothing compared to knowing Jesus. The life we have built, the things we have done are all nothing. Instead, everything is found in a relationship with our Lord.
I began talking about my lost but how insignificant is it to lose a person that didn’t care for us? Don’t be consumed with what you think you lost. Nothing can compare to our relationship with our Lord. Simply Trust in the Lord because in Him we have everything that we need. What have you gained by knowing Christ?
Everything, nothing lost by knowing christ.