We have often heard the old proverb, “Seeing is believing.” In the secular world, we are taught that, “you need to see something before you can accept that it exists or occurs.” As Christians, we are to reverse the old proverb and say that we must believe to see. We have to have faith in order for God to reveal His blessings to us. I’m reminded of this verse:
I would have fainted, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
Psalm 27:13
The psalmist simply tells us that he has to first believe in order to see. God’s movements are not always readily visible. Trust God even when you can’t see anything.
A field may look empty and barren until one day it springs up lush green vegetation. The field may appear to grow overnight, but that’s not the case. Below the surface, a planted seed requires nutrients and delicate care. Then that seed will need to develop roots. After growing and developing underground that seed is able to sprout into beautiful greenery.
That seed is our faith. We need to plant our faith then we are to water and nourish our seed through prayer. Then we are to have great expectations that the seed will eventually sprout into what we believe God is has planned.