Truly, truly, I say to you, you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice. You will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn into joy. John 16:20
I am so thankful for the light that God shines in our darkness. When we feel beat down, it is so easy to forget that God is our light in the middle of the storm.
When we are going through it can be so easy to overlook the subtle moments of joy. This joy comes from not thinking about yourself or your problem. Instead, we should spend our day focusing on God and allowing His peace to fill us. Concentrating on God each moment is easier said than done. There are so many other things I could be thinking about.
Today I found joy in the simple text of a child. The over-eager 11 year old told me that a young boy in her class was bothering her. I know this was God because this is one of the youth that I’ve had the pleasure of serving in ministry.
The pure joy of having a child seek me to correct her issue made my day. I could have been upset and bothered by the trivial classroom play, but no I found light in the situation, I was reminded that many youth see me as a refuge and I should make myself available. It felt good to be needed even for something as small as classroom nitpicking.
What is something that God placed in your day to give you joy? I encourage you to take a moment out of your busy day to find God’s provision.
Katrina Walker I believe you are on to something Glory.