Day 17 of 21: Confronting Through Prayer

I have been the type of person who has always wanted to clear the air. I don’t like to leave things unsettled. It is clear that I have been hurt, but how do I reconcile? Well, I have tried to approach those who hurt me, and I haven’t been successful.

The things we face are much greater than what we see. Even our hurt has a higher purpose. Confronting our offenders in our own strength doesn’t always work. When the battle is spiritual, our approach needs to be spiritual as well. The only way to handle those situations is by seeking strength from the Father.

When faced with fierce opposition Nehemiah prayed to God to strengthen his hand. Today I pray for God to strengthen me to complete the work He has assigned. I am also asking God to give me wisdom when it comes to my offenders.

God, please guide me through the process of reconciliation. Give me wisdom when I encounter those who hurt me. Give me the right words to say. And give me wisdom when I don’t need to speak at all.  I may not want anyone harboring negative feelings towards me, but I know as a child of God I will face opposition in my Christian walk.