Anger in itself is an okay emotion. It is how we respond when we are angry that gets us in trouble. Anger doesn’t have to be manifested as an act towards another person. We can hold anger inside. Harboring anger causes us to withdraw from the power and strength of our Lord. I must say there were times that I allowed anger to get the best of me. The anger controlled my thoughts and even my actions at times.
When we are angry at a person or a situation we tend to have negative thoughts. In my anger, I begin to act indifferent. I begin to become disgusted by the very existence of those who hurt me. Instead of seeing them equally fallen as myself, rage caused me only to see the worst. I simply saw them as evildoers. No, I never said or did anything to them directly, but my thoughts are equally as wrong. I’ve been called to help and serve others, yet I have found myself becoming judgmental.
God, I pray that you remove judgment and anger from my heart. Just like everyone else, I sin daily, and sometimes we can become victim to another person’s sin. Every time we mess up we commit sins again our Father. God, you do not hold anger in your heart towards me, and I should not hold anger towards another person.