Our culture teaches us that revenge is sweet. But really how sweet is revenge? I have come to understand that revenge is our spiteful response to injustice. Revenge causes us to react without thinking. In a moment of rage, we inflict harm on another person hoping to receive some justification.
I am fortunate that God does not pay me back as my sins deserve. I fall short all the time. God has never taken advantage of a moment to punish me for my actions. Instead, God responds to my faults by giving me grace. Each one of my sins hurt the Father, yet he is patient with me.
God is sovereign. He knows I love him even when my actions show differently. He also knows the hearts of everyone. I don’t see the hearts of those who have intentionally hurt me. God knows their hearts, and God knows exactly what they need. God’s judgment is greater than any plot I can develop.
Responding irrationally to those who hurt us only causes more hurt. Having compassion for our fellow man means that we want the best for them. It is my sincerest prayer that those who have hurt me receive healing. This healing includes emotional healing. I trust God that the worst is behind, and I am on my way to emotional healing as well.
Amen I needed this cause the enemy try to have me to think one way but my heart knows to go another way which is the right way that’s God way.
Satan is so creative.. we just need to pray to avoid his traps
Thank to almighty God he knows our true hearts@
thank you for reading!!